Google influencé par Montessori

Larry Page
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 Vous savez tous que Larry Page et Sergey Brin, les fondateurs de Google ont suivi leurs études dans une école Montessori avant d’aller au lycée. Tous les 2 en parlent lors des interviews sur ce qui les a aidé à devenir ce qu’ils sont aujourd’hui. Récemment dans The Guardian (voir l’article ici), Larry Page a évoqué 4 choses qui l’ont influencé : son grand-père, l’éducation Montessori, Nicolas Tesla et sa participation au LeaderShape Institute. Je voulais alors partagé avec vous ce que Larry Page a dit sur la pédagogie Montessori. En voici un extrait tiré de The Guardian :

« An unconventional education was a second significant influence in Page’s life. Like his Google co-founder, Sergey Brin, Page attended Montessori schools until he entered high school. They both cite the educational method of Maria Montessori as the major influence in how they designed Google’s work systems. The Montessori Method believes that it has a “duty to undertake, in the school of the future, to revolutionize the individual.” Montessori’s ultimate goal of education was to create individuals who could improve society and were unafraid to take on seemingly impossible tasks. In fact, Montessori spoke at length about education for peace. “Everything that concerns education assumes today an importance of a general kind, and must represent a protection and a practical aid to the development of man; that is to say, it must aim at improving the individual in order to improve society” Maria Montessori believed that the liberty of the child was of utmost importance. For her it was imperative that the school allow a child’s activities to freely develop. Without this freedom, children could not grow the personal agency that would allow them to serve a social purpose as adults. Thus, Page’s childhood education promoted independence. It encouraged students to grow at their own rate. They were allowed large chunks of uninterrupted time to work on projects they created themselves. Students were encouraged to take on small-scale but real-world challenges and to invent ways to solve them. It’s easy to see how Google’s well-known policy of encouraging all engineers to dedicate 20% of work time to projects of personal interest grew directly out of this educational history. And why collaboration without supervision is core to Google’s work culture. And why Page repeatedly exhorts his colleagues to generate “10x returns” with regard to the social benefits they are striving to create. He is recreating the inspiring learning environment he had as a child, where the focus was on growing free people with the capacity to transform society. »

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